MicroNeedling versus Facelifts: Which is For Me?
In part one of the history of microneedling and facelifts, we brought you up to speed on where technology has gotten us in terms of the facelift and microneedling procedures.
From the first skin grafts done in Ancient India to the advent of rhinoplasty, which gained popularity in medieval Italy due to the popularity of duelling, to modern day plastic surgery where now surgeons can reach the lower layers of the skin and manipulate the muscles and tissues (known as the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic sheath) procedure to the beginnings of microneedling from acupuncture into today, MDPen now will examine in part two the difference between facelifts and microneedling procedures and debate which is right for you.
What's the Main Difference Between Facelifts and Microneedling?
In essence, the main difference between facelifts and a microneedling procedure is the knife–literally. A facelift is considered major surgery. You’re put under general anesthetic and cuts are made to your face–which scar. Microneedling is an outpatient service, taking about 20 minutes where tiny needles are inserted into the skin at an incredibly fast rate. The difference? Cuts versus pricks.
Other Differences Between Facelifts and Microneedling
Risks. With major surgery, the risks are much higher. Bleeding, complications from healing, infection, delayed wound healing, potential injury risk to areas surrounding the incisions, and scarring. The body reacts differently to major surgery. Blood clots are always a risk as well as cardiac arrests and strokes. With a microneedling procedure, a drop of blood may accompany the pinpricks, but there is no scarring. The main risk would be a tainted needle, which is avoided by visiting a certified technician in the microneedling procedure.
Financial investment. Facelifts, as a major surgery, carry all the costs associated with surgery and anesthesia such as more doctors and attendants needed, the operating room and equipment, and any overnight costs. A microneedling procedure entails one person for 20 minutes and one instrument.
Time off work. A microneedling procedure can be done on a lunch break.A facelift requires significant recovery time. A week off of work is often recommended. Exercise is mitigated for one month and other activities must be curtailed. Swelling and bruising can linger for months. A microneedling procedure is usually healed in a few days.
Is the Microneedling Procedure For Me?
Only you can answer that question. Everyone is unique. Your body is unique. The results you are seeking is unique. It’s obvious the risks are greater with facelifts, but the results last a lot longer than microneedling, which often requires multiple sessions to get the look you are seeking.
If you’re seeking an immediate solution to looking younger and feeling better with little effort and less costs, then microneedling may be the answer. If you’re seeking a long-term answer and are willing to take the time to achieve it, a facelift may be in order.
MDPen Serums
We here at MDPen believe for the majority of the population, a microneedling procedure is the solution. Using the body’s natural processes of healing to gain a youthful look in a matter of minutes seems like a no-brainer to us here at MDPen. The microneedling procedure using our device will allow you to look and feel younger in minutes, eliminating wrinkles, tightening the skin, improving old acne scars, and improving skin pigmentation.
Pair a microneedling procedure with MDPen’s amazing skin revitalization products such as our Hydrating Cleanser, Cellular Renewal Serum, Growth Factor Gel, or Copper + HA Mist for longer-lasting results. When your pores are opened by a microneedling procedure, we can aid our skin’s renewal by infusing these skin revitalization products into the pores, which boosts our skin’s healing abilities.
We all care about how we look. We all care how we look to others. Whether it’s a job interview, meeting someone on a first date, running into a friend you haven’t seen in ages at the grocery store, meeting your spouse’s co-workers for the first time, having Thanksgiving dinner, vacationing to Tahiti, or being the best-looking mom at the playground, we want to look good. We’re more self-confident, energetic, motivated to get up off our butts and tackle the world on a Monday morning, and eager to leave our mark on the world when we feel good about ourselves.
Studies show low self-esteem can lead to depression, anxiety, and can cause health issues as well. We’re less likely to take risks in our life and to put ourselves out there for rejection. Our growth as a person stagnates and, in essence, we’re only going through the motions of life, not living. Who signs up for that kind of life?
A microneedling procedure will make you feel good about yourself. It only takes a little bit of your time and resources. What else does that? Contact MDPen to get started today!